Today’s new domain name release will change SEO forever.

MacHighway Web HostingI don’t want to overstate the importance of today’s new domain name extension release, but it’s very difficult to relay the impact that this extension, which is available right now, will have on SEO.
To use a metaphor, this new domain name extension is a meteor that will slam into earth, wipe out entire species, alter the axis of the planet, and nothing will ever be the same in it’s wake.
You’ve probably already guessed the new domain name extension, because, really, who hasn’t been talking about it? What other domain name extension could be responsible for this much change? Just in case you haven’t guessed, I ask that you brace yourself because…


Now the only question that remains is: #WhatsYourDotFish? No, I’m not kidding when I say that you can register your .FISH domain right now at
This big announcement kind of makes other domain names seem silly and frivolous, but here is the full list of new domain name extensions that were announced today:
.FISH (I’M SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS ONE! #whatsyourdotfish?)
You can secure your name with the above extensions plus several dozen others (Who are we kidding? We know that you’re going to register a .fish domain) right now at

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