Are Mac-Friendly PHP Web Hosts Right for Your Website?

php web hosts
In enterprises around the county, we’re seeing a massive spike in the number of people using Macs.
If you’re creating a dynamic website, you should consider how PHP web hosts can ensure that your site is as powerful as it can be. When your team is already using PHP in creating the site, using a PHP web host seems like a natural integration.
Here are five reasons PHP web hosts are right for your website.

1. Get Web and E-mail Hosting

One of the reasons for using a PHP host for your website is all of the added benefits that you get.
Not only do you get what you need when it comes to just hosting your website, but you also get as much e-mail as you can handling. This is a fairly standard addition to any kind of sharing or a virtual private server.
Mac hosting gives you a high-quality remote desktop right at your fingertips.
The interface is usually very user-friendly and simple for your staff and employees understand. When you need to give access to email for your entire staff, a Mac-friendly PHP host will provide the kind of quality that your staff expects.
With a PHP friendly host, you can also customize your interface to work for you and your brand. When you’re looking to use a web host that can help you with your productivity, a PHP host gives you the flexibility that you’re looking for without any stress.

2. Integrate Your Favorite Tools

If your team is always working on creating new products and developing new elements to your site, then you need tools that work with your hosting. Having Xcode and Jenkins integration can ensure that all of your favorite tools are connected to your hosting.
This means that you can track work that needs to be done, troubleshoot issues, and have a constant process of improving your software and your hosting. Your website will never straggle behind when you have tools to track your work, testing, and analysis.
A website is never truly finished, which is why so many people choose PHP over HTML. When your site needs to send and receive data, you’ll be constantly checking for errors and perfecting communication between your site and servers.
If you decide to create an app later, you can use Xcode to push your code to your repository where your site is hosted. If you decide to use a tool like Jenkins for your Xcode integration, you’ll ensure that your entire workflow is smoothly connected regularly and continuously.

3. BYOD Environments Use a Lot of Macs

If you’ve decided to take your workplace to a fully BYOD kind of environment, you’re going to find a lot more people using Macs than ever before.
Most workplaces use Windows and Linux, but that’s often because of the cost. If you’re working with and around dedicated Mac users, you’re going to need a solution that makes life easier.
A dedicated PHP web host can help development teams, staff members, and any IT staff that you have to communicate better.
As more employers rely on remote workers and contractors, it’s likely that they’ll be hiring more people who use Macs. The more people who come through with their own devices, the more Macs you’ll see.
When you allow people to bring their own devices, security is another issue.
When you have too much diversity in the kinds of operating systems that you support, you could end up spreading yourself too thin. Focusing on just one environment allows you to use just one method for keeping your team from dealing with security breaches.

4. They’re Ready for Open Source

If your web developers are constantly busy expanding your site, working on new elements, and building out new features, they can’t constantly invent the wheel. They’ll often rely on libraries and tools developed by third-parties and other developers who’ve solved problems before them.
License fees can be a huge line item for a small and growing business. Rather than stressing out with how you’re going to cover the costs of all these additions, you could instead go for a PHP friendly host, better for open source tools.
When your staff can use open source tools, it means that you won’t have to pay your team to develop the solutions on their own.
As Apple machines are built with tools like Apache, PHP, and Ruby on Rails, Mac developers clearly appreciate open source solutions themselves.
The world of open source software has a lot to offer your business and your website. By giving your developers the tools to work in this kind of environment, there’s no telling how many possibilities you’ll unlock.

5. Consistent Interface

Your designers and developers could talk your ear off all about the importance of having a unified user interface. Consistency and good design are important principles to stick to. Since the Mac interface, development tools, and utilities all have the same interface, they already feel integrated.
Being able to drag and drop files all around the system is a great way for your team to feel like everything they’re using is connected. When working on your PHP site via their Mac tools, your team’s development will be more consistent.

PHP Web Hosts Make Life Easier

When you’re working in a Mac environment, creating your site to be Mac optimized, and using PHP, it only makes sense to use PHP web hosts.
If you’re considering making your site on iCloud, check out our guide for how it can be done.

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